Does Tricare for Life include dental coverage?
Tricare for Life does NOT include dental coverage as a standard benefit. You can enroll in optional dental coverage (FEDVIP) for a monthly premium. Humana and UnitedHealthcare have zero premium Medicare Part C plans that are designed for veterans that include dental coverage and other benefits that are not included with Medicare Part B.
The Humana USAA Honor plan, available in most of the country, is a zero premium Medicare Part C Plan. Part C plans must provide the same benefits as Medicare Part A and B, but also includes Silversneakers, vision, hearing and dental coverage.
The Humana Honor plan is a PPO, (NOT a HMO), allowing you the see any doctor in the country that accepts Medicare without a referral.
For clients that live in the Tricare East region, you are probably familiar with Humana because they administer the health insurance benefits for Tricare Prime and Tricare Select.
You must keep your Medicare Part A and B to enroll in Medicare Part C. Plans vary from state to state but $2000 year dental benefit is the most common.
There are other benefits with the Honor plan including.
Medicare Part B premium Credit– Monthly credit for some of your Medicare Part B premium ($75- $150 a month most common) which increases your social security check by the amount of the monthly credit. Saving you $900- $1800 a year- per person.
The standard Medicare Part B premium for 2024 is $174.70. So, if you enroll in the Humana Honor plan with a $100 Part B credit, you will only have a deduction of $74.70 from your Social security check each month for your Medicare Part B premium.
Dental coverage ($1000-$2000 the most common), Vision, and Hearing coverage–
SilverSneakers– Access to 17,000 gym locations nationwide at no charge.
UnitedHealthcare Patriot plan is similar to the Humana Honor plan and available in most of the country. I can email you the info on both plans so you can compare the two. The best way to understand these plans is to give me a call when you are in front of a computer and I can explain the differences.
My name is Steve Schrader, and I work exclusively in the Medicare market as an agent with Humana and UnitedHealthcare in the states listed in green above. I am one of the few agents in the country that specialize in working with Tricare for Life members, and can email you the plan specifics about the plan in your state. Just click on “Email Me Info” tab and I will email you the plan specifics in your state, usually within 15 minutes.
The Humana Honor plan came out in 2018, so most TFL members do not know that these plans exist. Feel free to call me direct Mon- Sat 8:00am- 10:00pm ET at 303-335-9166, it usually takes a 10 minute phone call to understand how the plan works with TFL.
I do not offer every plan available in your area. Please contact or 1-800-Medicare to get get all of your options.
Steve Schrader